Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pink Day

February 27th is Pink Shirt Day in Vancouver. All across the city people are encouraged to wear pink to support an anti-bully initiative that was started in Nova Scotia. If you are interested in learning more you can check it out here.

Our class contribution to the Pink Shirt Day assembly was an amazing poster. We traced our hands and forearms on pink paper and decorated them using black and pink.  I got the idea from a Pinterest post that showed traced arms in a collage to record students goals.  Our idea was our to demonstrate our individuality while at the same time showing how we make a class community. If I can be honest here for a minute, I have to say our poster blew everyone away. People are still complementing our class! The kids are so proud.

                   It was amazing to see the wonderful and individual creations the kids came up with

We talked about what we can do to support one another as a community, and how we can work together to make change. The kids came up with some amazing ideas and slogans.  We finally settled on "We stick up for each other". Other wonderful ideas were written around the edges of the poster.
"We are KIND to each other"
"We TAKE CARE of each other"
"We are PEACEFUL with each other"
"We are a COMMUNITY"
"We BELIEVE in each other"

Isn't it beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see this kind of project! I work on "adult" bullying issues all the time and it could all have been prevented if we'd been enlightened as kids. Kudos!
