Sunday, March 3, 2013

Math Games

In the last couple of weeks I have been getting the kids to play math games on Fridays. The kids see it as a special treat to wind down a week of hard focused work. I see it as the perfect opportunity to develop mental math skills. Even more importantly I have realized the impact  math games have on the kids themselves.

Many of my students are ESL learners and allowing them time to participate in structured activities with their peers is a very beneficial activity. They are developing vocabulary and cementing friendships with all of the students in their class.

I am also seeing how play in the classroom allows the kids to practice their social skills. Watching the kids negotiate which game they will play and for how long has been fascinating for me. Rarely do I have  interfere with the process (There was the time when, my Russian student told me he was forbidden by his grandfather back in Russia to play cards because they were evil. Although dice were just fine. It turns out he just really wanted to play the dice game....pretty smart excuse if you ask me.) However, most of the time the kids have it worked out to make games day fair to everyone.

Here are some of my favorites:
Digit Place
Oh No 99!
Shut the Box

There are tons of games online. I suggest looking around to find some that are suitable to your class.

Happy Gaming!

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