Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Normally when I think of grade three, the word mindfulness is not the first thing that comes to mind. However that is exactly what I want to talk about. My SA has been doing a unit on mindfulness since the beginning of September. When she first started she worked with the children on being mindful of their senses, then mindful of their thoughts, and finally mindful in their actions and words. I can see the benefits of her work in the focus and communication within the class community. Perhaps the most powerful part of the day is the two sessions of mindful breathing done after recess and lunch. The kids are trained to join the teacher on the carpet. It is amazing to watch the children sit cross-legged on a carpet and practice mindful breathing together as a group. The teacher begins the process by ringing a chime....

"Bring Your attention to your breath. Feel your nostrils as you
 in and as you breathe out.
In...and out...
If other thoughts come into your mind, that's OK, just bring your attention back to your breath.
In.. and out...
When I ring the chime listen until you can't hear the sound anymore and gently, quietly open your eyes..."

Imagine listening to 21 children breath together...It is beautiful. Not only is is beautiful, there are now 21 children focused and ready to learn.
MindUp training is offered by the Vancouver School Board and in many places around North America.

I need to breathe more....

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