Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I think I'm Being Watched...

Yesterday was my first formal observation as a student teacher. I spent the entire night before tossing and turning in bed trying to remember all the things I wanted to say and do with the kids.

I decided to do a Gym lesson for my first try. I had a difficult time planning this lesson as I haven’t ever really seen gym as a time that requires a lot of planning, although I do see the importance of planning activities (especially if working on a unit such as soccer or gymnastics). Now, I have been in the gym with kids many times in my career and feel quite comfortable managing a large group of screaming kids in a big room. Unfortunately, things got a little out of hand almost immediately when one of the boys actually tried to trip my Faculty Adviser as we were walking to the gym (something I thankfully was unaware of until after the lesson). Thank goodness I had an inkling that something was up and brought him to help with the door at the front of the line.  

I thought the first game of Four Corners was fairly successful. They kids picked it up quickly and got better at it after each round. During Octopus went OK too...except for the kid who got run over and hurt (eep!)

After a reminder of safety expectations was a fantastic game of California Kick Ball...OK not so fantastic in fact it was awful. I was bombing the lesson :(

After a quick breathing activity (the least I could do was send them back to the teacher calmed down) I took the kids back to class and sat down with my Faculty Advisor. He gave me his iPad and let me read his observations. Here is a short excerpt:

[2012-10-15  14:05]  H. circles students. H. " I am losing my patience...Do we want to go back?"  Class quiet. H. Counts off students in 4's to avoid partnerships for teams. Quick review of CK rules.
(02 min. 48 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:07]  game begins. H. Compliments fielders on their improvement.  Batters still seem to have the advantage.
(04 min. 36 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:12]  finally an out. Lots of positive feedback from H. Immediately followed by another one.
(01 min. 34 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:14]  team switch. Boy in red leads off with big kick. Even though he forgets to run he still makes it home safely.
(02 min. 49 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:16]  second team is more organized.
(01 min. 43 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:18]  H. Asks boys to close piano. (Red and green). " Thanks"
(50 sec.)
[2012-10-15  14:19]  "come on in. ". H. Uses individual names to bring them in. "OK. OK...How do you think the game went?"  Quick debrief of CK. Focus on the lack of cooperation

Um...were in the same room? I then had a total realization that what I had thought was a terrible failure was actually not too bad a lesson given the circumstances. I had actually done a good job managing my students! 

The moral of the story: Just when you think things are falling apart, take a breath and realize that only you are feeling the stress. Other people can't see it and the kids are oblivious. Make your mistakes and learn from them. Most of all just do your best, you'll get better in time. 
Also make sure you put the trouble makers at the front of the line.....

"It is important that you are fair with yourself. It is key to long term growth."
-John S.

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