Sunday, February 10, 2013

Andy Warhol Study

This week in the art room we studied Andy Warhol. The grade three PLOs for art call for use of multiplication of images and experimentation with color. Warhol's popular culture inspired art lends itself perfectly.

I found a fantastic book at the Vancouver Public Library called What is Contemporary Art: A Children's Guide by Jacky and Suzie Klein. In it I found a great quote:

"I used to drink (Campbell's Soup). I used to have the same lunch every day, for twenty years.....the same thing over and over again."
                                                        - Andy Warhol

Originally, I was going to have the kids create their version of the iconic soup cans that Warhol is famous for. But after reading more about Warhol and how once he found a subject that excited him, he kept coming back to it again again and again, I decided to have the kids create an image that represented them.
The entire project took two art sessions. In the first session we designed out images and lined them in black. I photocopied them and in the next session we used crayon to color our images with bright vivid color and then washed over them with water color paint. I also had the kids write a sentence to describe their image. I was blown away by how the work turned out. It gave me an insight to who the kids are. They are beautiful!

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